Monday, March 5, 2007

My new favorite Nutrition Book...

This book is fabulous! The nutritionist in me loves the detail in the beginning of the book where the cell and it's functions are reviewed and also his discussion on nutrient rich foods. If you don't have time to read this, it can easily be skipped and no harm done. Once you are passed the beginning sections, this book is mostly made up of sketches on fruits, vegies, meats, grains, beans, and dairy products. He takes each item and talks about how to select it, store it, the best way to prepare it including cleaning instructions and recipes, shares the nutritional values, and does a very detailed description of why it is healthy for you. He also includes how many serving of fruits and vegies and other things that you need each day. In additon to this he has a 4 week meal plan to help you learn how to incorporate all the needed items into your diet. Dave and I will start at the end of this week. It is very easy to use and includes all the recipes and items needed for each day. Make meal planning easy and it is full of variety. I think this is the best layout of a nutrition guide I have seen. I can't wait to incorporte it into my kitchen! My goal is to read about 2-3 different foods a day and then try to use them in my cooking. You can get this on Amazon for about $26. I think it is well worth the cost!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think I might have to try this one out! It looks pretty interesting... you'll have to keep us updated if you learn anything new!